Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Weather Update

Currently there is a Category 4 cyclone, named Cyclone Yasi, headed towards Northeast Australia. Although this is not the region where I will be, it is possible that the path could change and some of the effects could be felt in Sydney.  For the geographically challenged (not meant as an insult, this description formerly included me), the region where all the flooding has been going on is Queensland and this is the same region expected to receive the worst of the cyclone. The region where I will be living is called New South Wales and is directly to the south of Queensland.

Here are some links to the national weather services in Australia to stay updated if you're curious:

National Warning Summary
Current Tropical Cyclone Systems

It is being said that this cyclone will be on par with Hurricane Katrina and the most violent storm system that Queensland has seen in a long time. Please keep the Aussies in your prayers as they experience and recover from a second wave of devastating flash flooding within the last few months.  And since my long legs are hopefully going to win me an emergency exit row seat, let's all hope that I won't have to guide a plane through a waterslide exit on the runway of the Kingsford-Smith airport....

1 comment:

  1. We are looking forward to a great vacation through your eyes. Your blog set-up is wonderful and informative. Love you, Nana

    Hi Carly,
    We love being in your news loop! You know about all of our snow? I am about ready to go out and use my trusty snow blower. I love this weather. On of my top 10 books is "Morgan's Run" by Colleen McCullough. A historical novel about the prisoners relocated to New South Wales. Read the review on Amazon - thought you would enjoy it.
    Have a safe trip home. Love, Bill
