Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mom Arrives!

This morning I got to pick my mom up at the Sydney airport! I think I scared some people around me because when I saw her come out I squealed and started running to give her the biggest possible hug...I couldn't be happier :)

We started our day off with the Coogee to Bondi walk and enjoyed the warm, sunny afternoon along the coast.  Even in winter, the water is as blue as ever and it was a beautiful walk.  We found the Aboriginal carvings that I've been looking for all semester and then spent some time playing in the Pacific at Bondi Beach.  From there we took a bus to Bondi Junction where we bought carmelized peanuts and cashews and walked through the markets.  Another bus took us to the bottom of campus and I got to show her all my favorite spots while we walked from lower to upper campus.

Me with my beautiful mom; Sunset Point near Bondi Beach
Now she is taking a short nap before dinner while I study for my second to last exam, which is tomorrow morning.  I'm so glad she is finally here and that I'm getting to show her around my life for the last 4 months but in some ways it feels like the beginning of the end. But, we still have lots of adventures left in the next few days and I'm definitely ready to be done with these exams!!


  1. What a thrill to check the blog today and see the two most special and beautiful women in my life! Well, there is one more, at least for one more month :) I look forward to Facebook and posts on the blog of your adventures together. Good luck on your exams Carly. Stay focused! I am so excited that you have this opportunity to make memories together. Have fun! Love, Derek/Dad xoxo

  2. thanks dad! we love you lots :)
