Sunday, February 27, 2011


My lunch: Ham, Cheese and Tomato Melt from "Oneness Café"   
The only interesting thing I did today was eat.  My morning on the beach started out sunny and warm but the skies quickly changed and it rained off and on.  Even through thick clouds the sun was incredibly intense, so the small showers were warm and actually pretty nice.

Some friends and I went to a café on the main street of our suburb for lunch, making it under the awning just in time for the biggest rain of the day.  The stores and restaurants are very different here in that the store fronts are all open to the street, I suppose like European cafés; it's fun to people watch and get the breeze from the beach while you eat.

Later, a few different friends and I went into Sydney for dinner at The Rocks.  After walking around for a little while we settled on the Glenmore Hotel, which has a rooftop area for eating and a really great view of the Opera House and city skyline.  I should mention a peculiar vocab switch here in Australia: you would stay the night in a Pub or a hostel, and drink and eat at a Hotel.  While some Hotels have rooms, you wouldn't get much sleep...
My dinner: Steak Sandwich from "Glenmore Hotel"
(sirloin, lettuce, tomato, cheddar, cucumber
and BBQ sauce on sourdough)

Note the view of the Opera House in the background!   

Now, after taking the bus back from the city and writing up this blog, I'm realizing that I have already been here two weeks and that classes are starting this week. U of M is starting their spring break and I haven't even started this semester's classes, which feels really weird.  I don't have class tomorrow, but Tuesday's two hour anatomy lecture will definitely be a snap back to reality...that is until I realize I can still just go down to the beach to study :)  However, I still have to buy the books to do the studying (and pencils and notebooks), so that should probably go next on my to-do list.  Apparently when I packed to come here I didn't remember that I was not just going on vacation. I plan to wing it for the first week and see which books I really need, then go from there.
Wish me luck!

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