Sunday, March 27, 2011

Slang Of The Day

The girls at church are trying to teach me a new slang word, but can never come up with a succinct definition for it so I'm still not quite sure, but this is the best I got from them:

'Bogan' is a word used to describe a style/attitude of people, similar to the American term 'red-neck' but 'bogan' is more versatile since it is not restricted to a region; eg. it is not necessary to live in the country or on a farm to be 'bogan'. Also in their words "bogan is like red-neck but with less guns." (What?)  Towns can be considered 'bogan', but only if the majority of the people in it are, in fact, 'bogan' (labeled this way by some inherent knowledge of the meaning of the word, without any direct criteria...)

Trying to describe someone who would be "heaps bogan" they came up with the following list (for a man):

a singlet (tank top)
stubbos (think 70s basketball shorts?)
thongs (important note: remember that this means flip-flops!!!)

I almost thought I had it figured out, but then they decided that Laura, in her sweatpants, jumper (that means sweater/sweatshirt) and slippers (a hint of how casual this church really is..) wasn't far off from being 'bogan'.

Then some of the guys chipped in to the conversation which resulted in everyone consenting that country music was most definitely 'bogan'...

Incredibly confused, I left for home but only after they promised to go with me into the city and point out definite examples of the elusive 'bogan' people.

Update: Apparently also the VOICE of their prime minister is "distinctly bogan"...

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