Thursday, June 2, 2011

I Wish I Could Speak Whale!

Today was my last day of classes at UNSW...I know, I can't believe it either. I also had my first final (marine environment) and did really well without even studying :) It's pass/fail so I only needed a 50% in the class.

Now I've got a few weeks of travelling and studying ahead of me before my mom comes (which is in 20 days, 10 hours and 48 minutes, according to the countdown on my computer!)

In other exciting news, I have bought new shoes to replace the ones I lost on the plane and all my boarding passes are printed for my flight to Alice Springs to tour the desert. I'm so excited to sleep under the stars and hike through some of Australia's famous places.  We have to pack lightly, but apparently it gets down to -2C at night...

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