Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sydney In A Day

Continuing to be touristy with yet another picture with the Opera House
Early this morning we got on a bus and went into the city, starting our day at my favorite restaurant; Pancakes on the Rocks.  Mom got the "Strawberry Patch", buttermilk pancakes with fresh berries, ice cream and cream and drizzled with strawberry coulis, and I got "Bavarian Apple", buttermilk pancakes with ice cream and cream, apples and sultanas (like raisins) and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar.  It was sort of a poetic way to start my last weekend in Sydney since that was the way I started my very first weekend here way back in February..

After filling up on deliciousness we headed into The Rocks Markets to have a look around and try to walk off our huge meal.  Then, back in the harbour we took more pictures of the Opera House and Harbour Bridge before walking to the Royal Botanic Gardens, a beautifully landscaped stretch of green along the water's edge behind the Opera House.  We enjoyed yet another perfect and sunny afternoon strolling around the ponds, flowers and trees and found a spot called "Mrs. Macquaries Chair" the best spot in the gardens to see the Opera House and Bridge and named after the wife of a past governor of the convict settlement.  We took more pictures here and then made our way back to the ferry wharves where we caught a boat to Darling Harbour.

Here we went to the aquarium (which I actually got to enjoy this time around) and saw lots of amazing marine life like sea dragons, jellyfish, mantarays, a platypus and tons of fish...including the ever-illusive Nemo!!!! We also saw Crush and Bruce (the sea turtle and shark in the movie) and I came to the realization that I am the oldest Finding Nemo obsessor in Pixar history.  One section of the aquarium is a touch-tank where we got to pet sea cucumbers and starfish, which were squishier and harder (respectively) than I expected them to be.  Besides what seemed like hundreds of screaming and crying kids at every exhibit, it was a fun afternoon activity with lots to see and do.

After four months, it's only right that I find him the last weekend I'm here!
At the Opera Bar for sunset
Leaving the aquarium we walked around Darling Harbour for awhile, got lost while trying to find the Sydney Fish Market, decided we didn't care about it all that much and took the ferry back to Circular Quay.  From there we found a spot at the Opera Bar and shared an appetizer and some wine while we talked, rested our feet and watched the sun set behind the bridge for the second cloudless night in a row.

When we got home we had dinner, changed into nicer clothes and are now awaiting the arrival of my friends who are joining us and my roommates for a good old fashioned college mom's first one in 30 years, which I know she is really excited about! :)

More adventures tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Must be time to come home, you found Nemo and he was there all along. There's no place like home! There's no place like home! There's no place like home! Love the pictures and updates of your adventure together. Feeling your joy and the fun you are having together. Love you two! Derek/Dad xoxo
