Thursday, June 30, 2011

There's No Place Like Home

We have just arrived home after 30+ hours of travelling and we're exhausted but happy to be home.  I was excited to see my dad, brother and puppy, Kaiba waiting for us at Detroit's airport! Maybe the jetlag has made me a little fuzzy, but on the drive home I recognized everything, yet being back feels so surreal, like it isn't really happening..

Reflecting on everything that I feel I have learned and accomplished this semester, I'm more and more grateful for all the things that made this semester possible.

A quote from the best movie ever, Finding Nemo:

"Marlin: But how do you know when they're ready?
Crush: Well, you never really know, but when they know, you'll know, you know?"

Thanks to everyone who believed me when I said "I know" and who helped me actually believe it myself.

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